Saturday 25 April 2015

Electricity in Nigeria 3

Standards in the Electricity Industry?

Are there standards in the electricity industry in Nigeria?

Probably there were standards in the Nigerian electricity industry, or there are standards at some levels. Electricity is only experienced by consumers at distribution section, only the knowledgeable in the field are aware of the other sections of grid electricity. Well, we are glad most people do not know what goes on at the generation section, transmission section, sub-stations, etc; probably there could have been lots of more fatal incidents.
Caution! Electric Shock!

Why am I concerned about standards? At every corner in Nigeria, everyone is a technician or ‘engineer’ depending on the title that make the person feel important. A lot of buildings are not properly wired, the entire wiring are not done with reference to standards, sometimes these substandard connections cause electrocution, fires, and send faulty feedbacks to distribution transformers which end up degrading the transformer and the entire system.

Furthermore, another problem in our electricity is illegal connection. The people that do these connections are not usually trained on the job, they do the work based on what they pick in the streets, the connections are not properly terminated, the wires used are substandard and other gadgets used for connections are ignored and bypassed.

Another problem is the inefficient bill collection system. Most times, when agents of the distribution company go about their disconnection business, they tend to look for monetary kickbacks from consumers; consequently, some consumers end up not being disconnected despite owing the distribution company. This has reduced the authority rightful bestowed on these agents because they engage in illegal activities during their job.
Disorganised Wiring

In addition, some consumers engage touts to reconnect them back to the grid when there are disconnected by the distribution company agents. Other consumers take it further by illegally hooking back their lines on the distribution lines when the distribution company agents have left the premises.

Possibly, the reason why most people tamper with electrical connections is because we utilise overhead distribution system. It is a very open and unsecure system of electricity distribution.
Investments, investments, investments are need to achieve an efficient electricity system in Nigeria but how are the investors going to recoup their investments with all these lack of regulations and standards in the distribution sector.


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